David I. August
Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
Affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
Ph.D. May 2000, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Office: Computer Science Building Room 221
Email: august@princeton.edu
Phone: (609) 258-2085
Fax: (609) 964-1699

Front Page Publication List (with stats) Curriculum Vitae (PDF) The Liberty Research Group


Please beware of the "Princeton University - Part-Time Research Job" scam. I am not hiring remote research assistants for the Department of Computer Science. Anyone doing so would use a campus address or phone number. Princeton students, please visit the Phish Bowl before responding to unsolicited communication.


Architectural Support for Containment-based Security [abstract] (PDF)
Hansen Zhang, Soumyadeep Ghosh, Jordan Fix, Sotiris Apostolakis, Stephen R. Beard, Nayana P. Nagendra, Taewook Oh, and David I. August
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), April 2019.
Accept Rate: 21% (74/350).

Software security techniques rely on correct execution by the hardware. Securing hardware components has been challenging due to their complexity and the proportionate attack surface they present during their design, manufacture, deployment, and operation. Recognizing that external communication represents one of the greatest threats to a system’s security, this paper introduces the TrustGuard containment architecture. TrustGuard contains malicious and erroneous behavior using a relatively simple and pluggable gatekeeping hardware component called the Sentry. The Sentry bridges a physical gap between the untrusted system and its external interfaces. TrustGuard allows only communication that results from the correct execution of trusted software, thereby preventing the ill effects of actions by malicious hardware or software from leaving the system. The simplicity and pluggability of the Sentry, which is implemented in less than half the lines of code of a simple in-order processor, enables additional measures to secure this root of trust, including formal verification, supervised manufacture, and supply chain diversification with less than a 15% impact on performance.